Soooo, the past couple of days have Austin has been filled with bloggers from all over for the BlogHer conference. Bloggers including the famous Ree Drummond from
The Pioneer Woman, who of course through her blog has made cookbooks and has her own show on Food Network.
Kinda cool right?
While I didn't go to all of the events, I only attended 3, they were
amazing I have to admit.
The first one was the opening welcome party held at Whole Foods downtown on the roof. Tons of Austin's top female chefs including the lovely Jodie Elliot from
Foreign and Domestic and Sarah McIntosh from
Epicerie all created wonderful and unique dishes to serve at this event.
Let me just tell you, there was so much good food I didn't know where it was going to end. I tried to eat a sample of everything but I failed. That wasn't even the first event of the night!
I feel so bad though I took so many pictures but can't remember who made what, but just indulge in these pictures with me. The woman behind every dish did a
fantastic job and they all deserve equal applause.
Whole Foods Bites and Bloggers