Friday, February 8, 2013

Chocolate Souffle

This past weekend all the guys in the house went down to the coast to go fishing, so me and my mom had a girls weekend. 

When I was really young I always cried whenever the guys left, I wanted my brothers and dad here with us. But my mom showed me how much fun it is to be free from the guys for a while. 

Every time they would go on a trip me and my mom used to always watch "Never Been Kissed" with Drew Barrymore, order pizza from our favorite pizza place Conans, and either go shopping or see a movie in theaters. It was a tradition!

We don't do all of those things when they leave anymore, but we still have a lot of fun, if not more. 


We get to spoil ourselves for a weekend and be girly. Go shopping all day, go out to eat, watch chick flicks and just relax. 

I've come to really love those times when it's just me and my mom. Since my mom is my best friend, it's really a good time for us to just hang out and bond. Mother and daughter. 

Okay, that sounds cheesy I know, but hey it's fun and I always treasure all the times we spend together. 

This past weekend we spent by going to Home Goods and browsing(One of the best stores ever), making dinner and watching a movie.

Luckily I had Saturday off from work so we actually had a whole day to spend together.

We made ravioli and bruschetta for dinner, then for dessert we had these.

Chocolate Souffle.

A seriously decadent treat.

Rich and chocolatey, a girls dream dessert.

These were fairly easy to whip up, taking less than 30 minutes with the both of us working on them, and well worth the effort. Since these desserts are eaten right after they are baked, we made them right before the movie, and boy they were good!

They're light, warm and gooey. And perfect topped with some ice cream and whip cream.

Chocolate Souffle

(Recipe adapted from Food Network)


7 ounces finely chopped bittersweet or semisweet chocolate
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus for preparing the molds
1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3 large egg yolks
3 tablespoons warm water
1/2 cup sugar, plus 2 tablespoons
8 large egg whites, room temperature


Brush 6 (6-ounce) ramekins with soft butter, then coat with sugar. Put the prepared ramekins in the freezer. (This can be done a day ahead.)

Set an oven rack in lower third of the oven and preheat to 400 degrees F.

Put the chocolate and butter in a medium heatproof bowl. Bring a saucepan filled with an inch or so of water to a very slow simmer; set the bowl over, but not touching, the water. Stir the chocolate occasionally until melted and smooth. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract. Set aside.

Combine the egg yolks and warm water in the bowl of a standing mixer or large bowl and beat until frothy. Gradually add 2 tablespoons sugar, and continue beating until ribbons form, about 5 minutes. Very lightly fold the yolks into the chocolate mixture. (Rinse the bowl well, if using for beating the egg whites.)

Remove prepared ramekins from freezer. Put the egg whites in the bowl of a standing mixer, or large non-reactive bowl. Beat on medium until frothy; then gradually add the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar and increase speed to high. Beat until the whites hold a stiff but not dry peak.

Working quickly, fold about a third of the egg whites into the chocolate to lighten; then fold in remaining whites until blended. Gently ladle or spoon the souffle mixture into the ramekins, and place on a baking sheet. (Level off the surface with a straight edge, scraping any excess mixture back into the bowl.)

Immediately bake until the souffle rises about 1 1/2 inches from the ramekins, and the tops are touched with brown, about 18 to 20 minutes. Remove from oven, dust with confectioners' sugar, top with ice cream and serve immediately.

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