Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hey Cupcake

Hello hello!

I know i'm a little late hopping on the Hey Cupcake Bandwagon, or bandtruck if you will, but it's better late than never right?

I've been wanting to come to Hey Cupcake ever since I first heard about it. Well well well, probably years later, I finally checked this place out. What took me so long? Probably the drive, but now that they have one in Pflugerville, it's a convenient 8 minute drive! Yay me!

These cupcakes honestly reminded me of a moister better tasting giant muffin than just a regular cupcake. Which, I guess is technically a cupcake, but more muffing-y. If that makes any sense at all.

I always had this joke with some of my friends that I could put Hey Cupcake out of business with my cupcakes, but after actually tasting them, I'm not as confident.

When I went I only got to try one flavor, the Micheal Jackson, because all of the others were sold out. I was very pleased with my cupcake though! A chocolate cupcake topped with a rich vanilla cream cheese frosting.

Even though the cupcakes were not stuffed, the frosting to cake ratio was suprisingly well. Each bite had enough of each to balance the flavors out and keep you wanting more and more.

You may see two cupcake below, my friend who joined me during this cupcake adventure got the other one, the classic, a vanilla cupcake with chocolate frosting, however he ate it all before I had a chance to try it. 

Boo, no fun! I can't blame him though, they were pretty hard to put down!

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