Thursday, May 9, 2013

What I'm Lovin!

What i'm lovin'!

A lot of people seem to do this, just make a list of some of their favorite things at the time are and share it with their followers. So I thought, why not?

Let me know if ya'll like it and if you would want me to continue with these or not.


Anyway, one thing I absolutely love is ice cream. If you read my Southern Peach Crisp post you would definitely know my love for Blue Bell ice cream. I'm passionate about that stuff. Every flavor, you name it I will eat it and be in heaven.

However, recently I tried Talenti gelato.... All I have to say is Blue Bell is my favorite ice cream, but Talenti is my favorite gelato.

The 2 flavors I picked up were Belgian Milk Chocolate and Caramel Cookie Crunch. Holy @#$% this stuff is good. Pardon my language, but seriously. I could've eaten the whole container in one sitting if I didn't purposely make myself put the stuff down and busy myself with other things to distract myself. Yeah, that hardly worked but hey I had to try.

I know i'm really late reading this book, I've seen the movie many times and love it, but finally I am reading it and I must say I love it! Better than the movie as most books are. This book is basically what I strive to be in a way. I want to travel. I want to go to Italy and eat pasta and just enjoy life. I want to go to Germany and Ireland, I want to enjoy rich delicious chocolates and explore different cultures. To see sights that take my breath away.

Some day...

Iron Man 3! 

I'll be honest I don't remember the other 2 Iron Man movies that much. I thought they were okay. But when my brother asked me to go see it with him and his friend I jumped at the chance. My thoughts? I loved it obviously, I mean why else would it be on this list? 

The action and effects were amazing! I'll be honest, the whole love story wasn't my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong, i'm a total girly girl and love a good love story, but the relationship between the couple in this movie just seemed... off. I won't go into any spoilers, but i'll just leave it at that. 

And finally, here are some of my favorite songs right now in no particular order. I could really just go on and on about all the songs i'm loving right now, but here are just a few to start ya'll off!


  1. OMG, that gelato looks amazing! WANT.

    1. Oh it is! I highly recommend you pick some up, I found it at Sprouts :)
