Sunday, April 21, 2013

My 100th blog post, a celebration with "pizza". Mozzarella Tomato Basil Tart

Hello everyone, this post is very exciting because it is, wait for it....

my 100th blog post! Woo! Party!

Okay, maybe it doesn't deserve that much of a celebration, but it certainly is a milestone for any blogger.

100 posts... that's a lot of writing and a lot of butter!

I mean, out of 100 posts 27 of them have been cakes, 10 cookies, 10 pies/tarts and various other desserts, and 26 have been various savory dishes. 

I think I may be a little obsessed with cake... Anywho, 100 posts down and i'm still going strong thanks to everyone who reads my site! 

I don't know why ya'll do, but I thank each and every one of you for doing it! This blog has become such a part of my life, I love every aspect of it, and I can't wait to celebrate my 200th post celebration with ya'll in the future!

Anyway, to celebrate I thought I would share with ya'll a recipe using one of my favorite flavor combinations. Mozzarella, tomato and basil. 

So simple, but oh my gosh, it is so good. On a sandwich, as a salad, or on a "pizza" tart such as this, it's good any way you make it! 

This tart came about as we had a bunch of fresh mozzarella that needed to be used, what a horrible problem to have right?

Anyway, I've seen tarts like these before so I thought I would give it a shot.

The tart dough recipe I adapted from David Lebovitz, remember that Chocolate Tart I made back during the holidays? Yeah, same recipe I just adapted it to savory rather than sweet by adding some garlic, rosemary, and lowering the sugar content. It came out perfectly!

This tart is ooey gooey cheesy deliciousness resting on a perfectly savory tart dough. I promise you, you will love this.

Mozzarella Tomato Basil Tart

(Recipe by Sarah Eats Austin)


1 prebaked tart dough recipe (Recipe follows)
7-8 thick slices fresh mozzarella
1-2 tomatoes
1 tbls olive oil
3 fresh basil leaves, chiffonade
salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 400F.
Lay the fresh mozzarella evenly on the bottom of the tart dough, covering as much as you can. Layer the tomato on top evenly, then drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
Place in oven and bake for 10-15 minutes, then switch the oven to broil until the cheese starts to get brown and bubbly. Watch carefully, the broiler is powerful stuff!
Take out and sprinkle with Chiffonade basil.
Serve immediately.

Tart Dough
(Recipe adapted from David Lebovitz)

3 tbls butter
1 tbls olive oil
3-4 tbls water
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tsp garlic paste
1 heaping cup flour
1 tbls rosemary


Preheat oven to 410F.
Combine the butter, oil, water, salt and sugar in a small pot over medium heat. Cook until bubbling and fragrant. Add in garlic and let cook 1 minute longer.
Turn off heat and quickly dump in flour and rosemary and stir until dough comes together in a ball and pulls away from the sides.
Once cool enough to work with, press into tart pan and up the sides. Prick with a fork all along the bottom, then place in an oven to bake for 10-15 minutes, until it starts getting brown.

**Notes: Most people weigh down their tart doughs whilst baking so that it doesn't bubble up in the middle. I'm lazy and don't do this, but it's never bubbled up on me before. If you want to weigh it down though, just line the bottom with parchment paper or foil and fill with beans.

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