Monday, March 18, 2013

Broccoli Salad with Blue Cheese and Pecans

Oh Monday, how I loath you.

It's so hard getting back into the swing of things after a break, especially one as great as this last spring break.

This morning I absolutely did not want to get out of bed to go to work. Skipped the whole workout thing, slept in and still didn't want to get up. That;s life though, we all have those days.

I made cake balls today too, to help get me through! I just needed something after work, and it was a great way to use up some extra cake and frosting I had from a batch of cupcakes I made the other day.

Which brings up a funny story, I do believe the only reason I get invited places is for my food. True story. 

"Hey bring Sarah! Tell her to make those Irish Car Bomb cupcakes!"

Hey, at least i'm getting invited right? No complaints!

I'm actually quite pleased when people say stuff like that. I mean, damn my food must be getting famous or something!

Anyway, here is a healthy salad recipe for all of you trying to get back on track with their diets like moi. I mean I could live off fries, donuts and ice cream no problem, but my waist definitely would not like that. 

So broccoli, all I have to say is thank you for being so delicious!

Broccoli with Blue Cheese and Pecans

(Recipe by Sarah Eats Austin)


2 cups broccoli florets
3/4 cups toasted pecans
3 tbls butter
1/4 blue cheese
salt and pepper to taste


Steam the broccoli in a steamer until almost cooked through, about 3-5 minutes. Transfer to an ice water bath to stop cooking, until chilled through, then transfer to a paper towel to drain any excess water. 

Melt butter in a medium saucepan over low heat, add toasted pecans and broccoli and gently stir to evenly coat the broccoli and pecans. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with sprinkled blue cheese.

To toast pecans preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spread pecans evenly on a cookie sheet lined with foil, and place in oven for about 10 minutes. Take out and stir, then place back in for another 10 minutes. 

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